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Our programs are centered in a systemic wholistic approach and we promote equality in these areas:
Social justice issues- by using of the strength perspective model we encourage growth and development in each person in order for them to realize the democratic ideals of freedom, equality, non-discrimination and respect for the rights of all
Animal welfare issues- by teaching compassion and empathy for all living beings and respect for their habitats.
Environmental issues - by the awareness and teaching of our human obligation to respect natural cycles of the earth for our own sake and for health of other species
Win Win Solutions-
We strive try create win win situations for all involved because we believe...
Humans are creative and have the power to solve their problems
The right resources in the right hands can improve lives
Everyone has skills and abilities to make others smile
Compassion First
Building alternative systems through compassionate and mindful action because we know...
Our Country was built on inequality which is still present in our current systems
Everyone is fighting a hard battle that others can't see
We all want to be accepted and heard
Honor Community
Empowering individuals to improve our society because we know
There is strength in Diversity
Connection is a human need
Culture shapes our lives, goals, careers, and daily actions
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